This is the reverse side
of the same camel metapodial (also called a cannon bone) seen
in the previous image.. Late Miocene Dove Spring Formation of
the Ricardo Group, El Paso Mountain, Kern County, California;
in actual size, the specimen is 31 centimeters long (slightly
over a foot). Identified by Dr. Xiaoming Wang of the Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County. According to Dr. Robert
Emory (National Museum Of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution),
who supplied some additional information, the specimen is likely
from the rear leg, so it is technically a metatarsal. Dr. Emry
says that the metatarsal is "formed of the fusion of two
metatarsals (same as in cattle, deer, etc). At the distal end
(toward the right in the image) it divides the separate ends
of the original two metatarsals, and the joint ends are broken
off--this is where the toe bones would articulate. This bone
is between the hock and the ground in ungulates--in you the metatarsals
are betweebn your ankle and your toes." |