The Old Sharktooth Hill Access Point

Kern County, California

A Google Earth street car perspective that I edited and processed through photoshop. The view is just slightly south of due west. Here's where it all began for many a paleontology enthusiast--the traditional entrance to the Sharktooth Hill cornucopia of Middle Miocene fossil wealth. It's now closed off, of course, because Sharktooth Hill, proper, is a US Registered National Landmark, established in May, 1976. For decades, many a person "cut his paleontological teeth" on the abundant shark teeth that occur there in the Middle Miocene Round Mountain Silt Member of the Temblor Formation, roughly 16 to 15 million years old. Obvious evidence of the old World War I-style military trenches, the fossil fox holes if you will, can be seen dead straight ahead, and along the upper slopes at right.

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